
The paper 'PReGO: a Generative Methodology for Satisfying Real-Time Requirements on COTS-based Systems – Definition and Experience Report' was accepted for CPCE 2020.

The paper 'An Empirical Survey-based Study into Industry Practice in Real-time Systems' was accepted for RTSS 2020.

The paper 'Response Time Analysis of Multiframe Mixed-Criticality Systems with Arbitrary Deadlines' was accepted for the Real-Time Systems journal (Springer).

Dolly Sapra received the Best Paper Award at IEA/AIE 2020 for her paper entitled 'Constrained Evolutionary Piecemeal Training to Design Efficient Neural Networks'

The chapter entitled 'Methodologies for design space exploration' has been accepted for the Handbook of Computer Architecture (Springer)

The paper 'Control Performance Optimization for Application Integration on Automotive Architectures' was accepted for IEEE Transactions on Computers.

The paper 'A Case for Security-aware Design-Space Exploration of Embedded Systems' was accepted for the Journal of Low Power Electronics and Applications (special issue on Design Space Exploration and Resource Management of Multi/Many-Core Systems).

The paper 'μ-Genie: A Framework for Memory-Aware Spatial Processor Architecture Co-Design Exploration' was accepted for Euromicro DSD 2020.

EU H2020 ITN/ETN project on approximate computing for power and energy optimisation granted!

The paper 'Deep Learning Model Reuse and Composition in Knowledge Centric Networking’ was accepted for ICCCN 2020.