
The paper 'Strategy Switching: Smart Fault-tolerance for Weakly-hard Resource-constraint Real-time Applications' was accepted at SEFM 2022.

The paper 'Model-Based Testing of Internet of Things Protocols' was accepted at FMICS 2022.

The paper 'Building Fine-Grained Analytical Performance Models for Complex Scientific Applications' was accepted at PPAM '22.

The paper 'Design Space Exploration for Distributed Cyber-Physical Systems: State-of-the-art, Challenges, and Directions' was accepted for Euromicro DSD 2022.

The paper 'CPU-GPU Layer-Switched Low Latency CNN Inference' was accepted for Euromicro DSD 2022.

Dolly Sapra successfully defended her PhD thesis entitled 'Efficient neural architectures for edge devices'. Congratulations, Dr. Sapra!

The paper 'Can we trust our energy measurements? A study on the Odroid-XU4' was accepted for the OSPERT '22 workshop.

The paper 'Efficient trimming for strongly connected components calculation' was accepted for ACM Int. Conference on Computing Frontiers.

The paper 'Partial Specifications of Component-based Systems using Petri Nets' was accepted for the PNSE '22 workshop.

The paper 'TCPS: A Task and Cache-aware Partitioned Scheduler for Hard Real-time Multi-core Systems' was accepted for ACM SIGPLAN/SIGBED LCTES '22.