
The paper 'Scenario Based Run-time Switching for Adaptive CNN-based Applications at the Edge' was accepted for ACM Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems.

The paper 'Cache Interference-aware Task Partitioning for Non-preemptive Real-time Multi-core Systems' was accepted for ACM Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems.

The paper 'Model-Driven System-Performance Engineering for Cyber-Physical Systems' was accepted for the Industry Session at IEEE/ACM ESWeek 2021.

The paper 'T-TSP: Transient-Temperature Based Safe Power Budgeting in Multi-/Many-Core Processors' was accepted for IEEE ICCD 2021.

The paper 'Scheduling DAGs of Multi-version Multi-phase Tasks on Heterogeneous Real-time Systems' was accepted for IEEE MCSOC'21.

The paper 'Task-level Redundancy vs Instruction-level Redundancy against Single Event Upsets in Real-time DAG scheduling' was accepted for IEEE MCSOC'21.

The paper 'Exploring Cell-based Neural Architectures for Embedded Systems' was accepted at the ITEM'21 workshop

Science & Design project 'Towards Zero-Waste Computing: Energy Labels for Digital Services' granted!

The paper 'Designing Convolutional Neural Networks with Constrained Evolutionary Piecemeal Training' was accepted for Applied Intelligence, Springer.

Uraz Odyurt received the Best Presentation in Session Award at IEEE ICPS'21 for his presentation entitled 'Power Passports for Fault Tolerance: Anomaly Detection in Industrial CPS Using Electrical EFB'