System-level MP-SoC design space exploration using tree visualization


The complexity of today’s embedded systems forces designers to model and simulate systems and their components to explore the wide range of design choices. Such design space exploration is especially needed during the early design stages, where the design space is at its largest. Due to the exponential design space in real problems, evaluating and comparing every single point in the design space is infeasible. Therefore, heuristic search techniques, such as Evolutionary Algorithms (EA), are often used to search the design space for optimum design points using only a finite number of design-point evaluations. Understanding how the design space was searched by such searching algorithms and providing insight into the “landscape” of the design space, may be of invaluable importance to the designer, To this end, this paper presents a novel interactive visualization application, based on tree visualization, to understand the search dynamics of an evolutionary algorithm and to visualize where the optimum design points are located in the design space.

Proceedings of the 2009 IEEE/ACM/IFIP 7th Workshop on Embedded Systems for Real-Time Multimedia (ESTIMedia 2009), October 15-16 2009, Grenoble, France