PCS Software
Lokesh Siddhu
Rajesh Kedia
Shailja Pandey
Martin Rapp
Anuj Pathania
Jörg Henkel
and Preeti Ranjan Panda
Apr 14, 2022
The paper 'CoMeT: An Integrated Interval Thermal Simulation Toolchain for 2D, 2.5 D, and 3D Processor-Memory System' was accepted for ACM Transactions on Architecture and Code (TACO).
Danilo de Goede
Duncan Kampert and Ana Lucia Varbanescu
Jan 30, 2022
The paper 'The cost of reinforcement learning for game engines: the AZ-Hive case-study' was accepted for ACM/SPEC ICPE '22.
Rico van Stigt
Stephen Nicholas Swatman and Ana Lucia Varbanescu
Jan 30, 2022
The paper 'Isolating GPU Architectural Features using Parallelism-Aware Microbenchmarks' was accepted for ACM/SPEC ICPE '22.
Pooya Khandel
Ilya Markov
Andrew Yates
Ana-Lucia Varbanescu
Jan 26, 2022
The paper 'ParClick: A Scalable Algorithm for EM-based Click Models' was accepted for the ACM Web Conference '22.
Rick Ossendrijver
Stephan Schroevers
Clemens Grelck
Jan 3, 2022
The paper 'Towards Automated Library Migrations with Error Prone and Refaster' was acepted at ACM SAC '22.
Andy Pimentel
Dec 9, 2021
The EU ADMORPH project, coordinated by the PCS group, released a promotional video (click to see link)
Dec 6, 2021
Uraz Odyurt successfully defended his PhD thesis entitled 'A data-centric approach towards identification and prediction of anomalies in industrial cyber-physical systems'. Congratulations, Dr. Odyurt!
Dhananjaya Wijerathne
Zhaoying Li
Anuj Pathania
Tulika Mitra and Lothar Thiele
Nov 8, 2021
The paper 'HiMap: Fast and Scalable High-Quality Mapping on CGRA via Hierarchical Abstraction' was accepted for IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems.
Benjamin Rouxel
Sebastian Altmeyer
and Clemens Grelck
Oct 29, 2021
The paper 'YASMIN: a Real-time Middleware for COTS Heterogeneous Platforms' was accepted for ACM/IFIP MIDDLEWARE 2021.
Benny Akesson
Mitra Nasri
Geoffrey Nelissen
Sebastian Altmeyer
and Robert I. Davis
Sep 30, 2021
The paper 'A Comprehensive Survey of Industry Practice in Real-Time Systems' was accepted for the Real-Time Systems journal.