
A news article about some of the research of the PCS group was published (click to view).

The paper 'Revisiting Edge AI: Opportunities and Challenges' was published in IEEE Internet Computing.

The paper 'EASTER: Learning to Split Transformers at the Edge Robustly' was accepted at IEEE/ACM CASES '24 (part of Embedded Systems Week '24).

The paper 'Analyzing Per-Application Energy Consumption in a Multi-Application Computing Continuum' was accepted at IEEE FMEC '24.

The paper 'PipeGen: Automated Transformation of a Single-Core Pipeline into a Multicore Pipeline for a Given Memory Consistency Model' was accepted at PACT '24.

The paper 'Transforming Optimization Problems into Disciplined Convex Programming Form' was accepted at CICM '24.

The paper 'Distillation vs. Sampling for Efficient Training of Learning to Rank Models' was accepted at ACM ICTIR '24.

Stephen Swatman won the second prize at the PASC24 ACM student research competition in Zürich.

The paper 'FAA+RTS: Designing Fault-Aware Adaptive Real-Time Systems - From Specification to Execution' was accepted at SAMOS '24.

The paper 'Verifying Peephole Rewriting In SSA Compiler IRs' was accepted at ITP '24.