
The paper 'PiQi: Partially Quantized DNN Inference on HMPSoCs' was accepted at ACM/IEEE ISLPED 2024.

The paper 'Automated Derivation of Application Workload Models for Design Space Exploration of Industrial Distributed Cyber-Physical Systems' received the Best Paper Award at IEEE ICPS '24!

The POPL '24 paper 'Guided Equality Saturation' was selected for the MIT Programming Languages (PL) Review '24 for its expected potential to shape the future direction of PL research and/or industry practice.

The paper 'Determining the Minimum Number of Virtual Networks for Different Coherence Protocols' was accepted for ACM/IEEE ISCA '24!

Jelle van Dijk received the 2nd prize for the ICT.Open Poster Award.

The paper 'ARM-CO-UP: ARM COoperative Utilization of Processors' was accepted for publication in the ACM Transactions on Design Automation of Electronic Systems.

The paper 'OPTIMA: Design-Space Exploration of Discharge-Based In-SRAM Computing: Quantifying Energy-Accuracy Trade-offs' was accepted for ACM/IEEE DAC 2024.

The paper 'Automated Derivation of Application Workload Models for Design Space Exploration of Industrial Distributed Cyber-Physical Systems' was accepted for IEEE ICPS '24.

The paper 'Using Evolutionary Algorithms to Find Cache-Friendly Generalized Morton Layouts for Arrays' was accepted for ACM/SPEC ICPE '24.

The paper 'Guided Equality Saturation' was accepted for ACM SIGPLAN POPL '24.